Introduction to Git

The rest here are links that were mentioned in the talk/discussion.



  • GitExtensions (Windows Git GUI das ich kurz gezeigt habe)
  • TortoiseGit
  • Eclipse Plugin: EGit (ist in Eclipse Marketplace)
  • gitslave (a little utility for managing multiple repositories locally, you don't need this before you know you need it)

Hosting/repository managers

  • Github (hosted git repositories, public ones are free, private repos cost money)
  • BitBucket (like github, also supports mercurial, and allows some free private repos)
  • Gitblit (the windows friendly repository manager, java powered, built-in auth)
  • GitlabHQ (open source repository manager that imitates github, no hosting)
  • Gitorious (open source github alternative that also offers hosting)
  • Gitolite (ACL for git repos)